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Still Wondering Whether Or Not You Should Get A Vibrator? Here’s Why You Should

Still Wondering Whether Or Not You Should Get A Vibrator? Here’s Why You Should

Still Wondering Whether Or Not You Should Get A Vibrator? Here’s Why You Should

Vibrators – you hear about them all the time. This wasn’t the case a decade or two ago when people talked about sex toys in hushed tones. Things have changed though with the emergence of the modern, empowered and sexually liberated woman. Of course men are empowered and liberated too. Strangely though, they hardly ever talk about sex toys as much as women do. Now the talk goes and one. You hear about toys at your place of work, you read about them in magazines and may be even from your siblings. You wonder what the fuss is all about. So much so you begin to ask yourself if you really need a toy. Well, it turns out you actually need one. It doesn’t matter if you’re single, dating or even married. Here’s why you need that thrusting vibrator vibe.


When was the last time you rewarded yourself with an orgasm? Yeah, that sounds crazy but it isn’t. Think about it this way. You work so hard, you go to work, you’re always there for others…but when was the last time you were there for you? Has it ever occurred to you that that solo induced orgasm is one of the highest forms of self-love?

It could also be that you’ve been single for way too long. You can’t even remember the last time you had the mind-blowing, clench fisting, leg shaking orgasm you hear about. You know, at the end of the day, you only have yourself to go to. So yeah, that thrusting vibrator will most likely come in handy in that regard.

To Rid Curiosity

Admit it, you have a fetish. Everyone has one. Yours could double penetration or have an anal vibrator do it’s magic. It doesn’t really matter – as long as you don’t harm yourself or your partner. You may not have realized this yet but all toys in the market today were born out of someone’s fetish. Someone thought it’d feel great to have something buzz over her clit and so she came up with the tongue vibrator. Then there’s you. You crave for double penetration. You know it’d feel great. Well, there’s really only one way to find out – get the toys you need for your double penetration escapades.

Just For Fun

Sometimes you really don’t need any reason to reward yourself. You do it because it feels good and because it is fun. It gets even better where your partner is involved. That means more fun for both of you. There’s no substance here or something profound really – you wanna enjoy yourself and feel good? Get that vibrator. Yeah, just for fun.

To Explore New Sensations

No two vibrators are the same. A tongue vibrator and a clit vibrator will both give you very different experiences. It doesn’t matter that you use them on the same spot with the same organ. The same can be said of different anal vibrators. To put it simply, each new vibrator you go for will give you different sensations. If you’re tired of the same sensation or the same experience a certain toy gives you, try a different vibrator.

To Understand Your Body Better

Your body is a work of art. There are certain things though about your own body that you haven’t discovered yet. Sex is one of those things – it’s not that you don’t know anything about it. It’s just that there is a certain way your body responds to sex. Throw in sex toys into the mix and voila! You have an orgasm in a way you’ve never had before. You try a different sex toy and the story is the same. You just keep on having new and unique experiences with different sex toys. Each experience leaves you with a new lesson. You begin to appreciate your body more and more as you enjoy each mystery it unravels.

To Spice Up Your Love Life

Remember when you first met your current partner? You couldn’t get your hands off each other. The sex was great. Everything seemed perfect. You moved in together, got married and now sex feels like a routine – like a chore you hate. You just don’t enjoy it as much as you used to. You know for a fact you need to change. You just don’t know how. Well, that’s exactly where sex toys come into the picture.

Be keen when you’re about to introduce sex toys in the bedroom. The best way to go about it is to first have a talk with your partner. Talk things out. If and where possible, go through the options you have. You might want to involve a sex therapist – that’s fine. As long as you’re both on the same table and you consent on what you need to bring in, then you’re good to go.

Stress Relief

Sex toys, vibrators to be specific, were originally designed to treat hysteria in women. Now, the sexist hokum of vibrators may be long gone. One thing remains true though – vibrators can go a long way to alleviate and ease tension.

Orgasms release oxytocin which is often associated with happiness. That means the more orgasms you have, the happier you become. Orgasms also relive stress and at the same time, lower blood pressure. So you have a two-fold perk here. On one hand, you live a happier life while on the other, you live a healthier life, all because of your vibrators.

Point To Note

Moderation is key when using sex toys. The last thing you want to experience is some kind of addiction to your sex toys. Thankfully, you can take measures to ensure that never happens. Start by setting aside time when you can use the toy. Before bedtime or when you wake up stand out as ideal. Sure, you can use your toys anytime you like. Remember though, that your body responds to routine easier. Once you set aside specific time for using your toys, your body will quickly adopt. Before you know it, you’ll always get the urge for some ‘game time’ at a specific time regardless of where you are.

It is also very important that you watch how you use your toys. If you’ve never used a toy before, then start by reading the instruction manual your toys came with. Never assume you know everything. This applies mostly to battery powered, penetrative sex toys. More often than not, the instruction manual you’ll find inside your toy’s packing won’t even take you five minutes to read, so yeah, take your time.

It is worth noting too that hygiene plays an important role when it comes to use of sex toys. The rule here is simple. Clean your toys before and after use. You should of course, clean it first before your first ever use. For subsequent used, have wet wipes by your bedside. Wipe the toy clean after each use before using it again. Be sure to also store the toy away from direct sunlight and in a dry place. Once in a while, once a twice a month, clean your toys with plenty of soap and running lukewarm water. You shouldn’t also share your toys.

Wrap Up

Long gone are the days when you couldn’t talk of vibrators without raising eyebrows. Today, you can freely talk about them as often as you please. You can in fact, buy some vibrators off a sex toy store without feeling weird or strange. That’s because times have changed. People also tend to mind their own business more and more these days.

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