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Love and Sex Toys: Tips for Shopping and Sharing

Love and Sex Toys: Tips for Shopping and Sharing

Whether your relationship is starting to feel stagnant or you just want something to spice up an evening, sex toys can add a playful level of fun to your life. There are now many online stores as well as retail options available, so shopping for these romantic playthings can be done in person or from the comfort of your home. The popularity of these establishments indicates a growing demand for variety and quality in adult entertainment.

Here are a few tips to remember when delving into the world of sex toys.

1. They're toys, have fun. Many vibrators and other implements come in an array of bright colors and shapes which might look strangely alien at first. The more you read and observe, the more you'll start to understand the form and function. If you are fortunate enough to have an adult store near you that carries these items, stop in and touch. Don't be shy. Pick them up and hold them to observe the weight and feel. If your establishment is really on the ball and has included batteries, turn on vibrators and check the sound. Take a friend or your lover with you and go ahead and laugh.

2. Start out easy. If this is a new experience, don't go online and order the Screaming Banshee Deep Penetrating Orgasm Inducer. There are plenty of modest sex toys that won't leave you scratching your head trying to figure out how to use them or limping in pain the next day. Go with your comfort level and make sure your partner is on board with you.

3. Don't buy one that's bigger than your man. After you start out easy, you might be ready to move to the next level. Sure, it's nice to have that extra large dildo around for those times you want an all-the-way full experience, but keep this one hidden. Your man might like the thought of you pleasuring yourself, but chances are he wants to be the biggest gun in your cabinet. There are plenty of other toys you can share together.

4. Keep your goodies safe, clean and hidden. Any item that penetrates a body orifice should be clean, so make sure to wash your toys thoroughly after use. Check them for cracks, rips or tears every time. Have a "toy box" just for these items, and make sure they are well hidden from any prying eyes in your household.

5. Read reviews, ask questions. Most online toy sites have a product review section. Wander through this and if you have a question send an email. Many of these toys are pricey, so make sure you get what you want. 

Using sex toys can take a relationship to a more intimate, stimulating level. Couples of all ages are exploring this territory and finding a new way to relate to their partners. Be bold, be innovative, have fun.

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